Monday, May 22, 2006

I think the only people that can make me do something despite my wish are my parents.

Isn't it amazing to be parents ?

Monday, May 15, 2006

I don't think I have ever told you about my friend Lisa.
I get to know her through Roller Blading, she is a computer science PhD student.

She used to be prety good in Belly dancing (she participated in an International show in China as a Belly Dancer.)
Most of her pots at her home is handmade (she made it herself) and now she's very much into glass blowing.
I remember once somebody asking her then why are getting a PhD in Computer Science ?
She said mm I have a variety of interests.

After you were talking that you enjoy swimming more than your courses at university, I was thinking of Lisa.
Don't you think you have a wide spectrum of interest ?

Oh by the way Lisa introduced me to Pillate :)

I am going to Magic Fluit Opera !

I have been to the Pasadena Symphony, and broadway show before but never Opera.
I have watched Karmen and The Marriage of Figaro on Video but I have never been to an Opera Hall.
I'll let you know how I like.
My expectation is that it can get boring at some instances during the show but it will be a very pleasant experience. (like traditional Iranian music ;))

Thursday, May 11, 2006

One of my references of news is Parastoo Dokoohaki weblog.

She is a journalist but right now she is not working for any newspaper. (read this)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Ops ! I noticed the phrase "better life" in my last post ...

I like to talk a little bit about how I am thinking about life as of now. (I think life is one of the greatest mysteries in everybody's life (!) and you need to continuously update yourself how you're thinking about. Here is my thinking right now but I in a few month I may find newer meaning who knows ;))

I think LOVE is "real" the rest that we do is for love !
So by a better life I mean a life that help you and other people to be able to love.

By real I don't mean that God created love,
or that the world is designed around love.
All the complicated neurons in our brain interact in such a way that we feel love, this feeling is as real as hunger as thirst.

I think a btter world is somewhere that people suffer less from the lack of their loved one.
That people less suffer from enjoying what they love.
I think all the effort of humanbeing on making laws, organizations, tools should aim to this purpose. This is what I mean by a better life :)

P.S. have you the March of Penguins ?

May be you're not as angry as I am about all things that are happening in Iran ...
(I should say I haven't been this angry my whole life.)
But if you at any point you feel angry that Mehrdad has to go to the court because of having a sattelite receiver ...
if at any point you get angry that BBC, or Orkut is blocked ...
If at any point you get angry that you cannot enjoy an evening on the beautiful shores of Caspian sea ...
Please don't thin that "Khalayegh har che layegh"

These days I am hearding this phrase from some of my Iranian friends and I think it is not true at all !
I think we have similar culture as our neighbor countries ...
My Turkish, Egyptian, Greek, Pakistani, Indian friends have lots of stories about their cultures ...
Some of the stories suprises me, some of my stories suprises them ...

I believe that we deserve a better government. A government that comes down from the heaven and govern the country on the earth with all its imperfections.

If anybody told you that khalayegh har layegh, think about yourself
your motivation in life, your quest for living a better life
a country with this asset of young people like you does not deserve this government ...

I have read the contect of Ahmadinezhad letter to Bush not the whole letter from NY times.

I feel the contradiction ...
He is asking Bush to spend money on world peace but what does the Iranian government do with its money.
I compare the news about Katrina victims with Bam victims ...

Mostly I was thinking how imigrants are treated in the US comparing to how Afghan people are being treated in Iran ...

Goft alem-e bi amal be che manad goft be zanboor-e bi asal ...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I was reading about Afghan schools in Iran at BBC web site.

Can you guys check bbc web site now ? if yeah check this out:

otherwise let me know. They keep posting on how to get around the filters in Iran!
I can sent you those links.

I like to know more about these school!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Niloufar (akefian) was saying once that all the team work she knows she learnt it at high school.

I don't even know if I team work well or not ?!
I even don't know what is the border between being able to team work or making your colleagues like you (if I don't want to be mean I should say being able to like your coleagues).

I think mom gets along with people better than I.

I feel most people around me are either tool cool for me (they want to go drink/dance every other night) are too boring (they hardly talk.)

I am working closely with Arnold and Nandan. Both of them are sociable. (I consider that as a good thing.) But still ...
Arnold works too much. Sometime he calls me 5 minute before a meeting to see where I am! He always gives comments about what I have on my monitor when he passes my desk! He makes me nervous ! Still I should say I miss him when he goes on a trip. I talk a lot with him mostly about work and about my ideas for life, for business ! Though some time I have to stop as I see that he's not listening.
Nandan is part time. He is around too much so I don't have much of problem with him ;)
However he gets on my never by his bootlicking of almost anybody who is superior to him!

Among people I have worked with so far I should say Scott was the only person I always enjoy working with! May be American team work better! By I can't say anything having worked only with 6-7 people around here!

salam Jani joon!

I was reading this add at Sharif Alumni web site ( ...
You can submoit your thesis here ;)

The Iranian Studies Group (ISG) at MIT and the Sharif University of Technology Association (SUTA) are proud to announce the ISG/SUTA 2005 Outstanding Thesis Competition. Theses focusing o­n contemporary issues of the Iran including the following subjects are welcome for submission.
Business Administration and Management
Civil Society and NGO Management
Disaster Management
Expatriate Communities
International Relations
Political Science and Sociology
Public Health
Regional Development
Sustainable Development and Environment
Women Studies

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