Sunday, October 30, 2005


On my way from Berkeley to San Diego (it is 8 hours drive) I took some pictures of the Sunny (in other words dry) California! Pictures that no travel agency ever publish!

These are the scenaries you see while driving on I-5 freeway. On both sides of the freeways there are fields and fields and fields (at least up to the point you eyes can see)

It is true that you are very cool, it is true that we always had a lot to tell each other despite our 7 years difference.
However, I am 7 years older than you and obviously I have more achievements !
I am sure in 7 years YOU will be much more successful than what I am right now.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

There are a few question that I think nobody find an answer to them in the past two thousand years. They didn't find an answer to them considering that the God exist.

1) Why there is poverty in the world ?
Why God made some people prosperous and others barely living.

2)Why can we commit sins ?
Why did God give us the power to choose to go in a direction against his will.

When you think about the creator you can't stop thinking about his/her purpose of creation.
When I write this post I have a goal. I want to communicate with you. I create this post to communicate with you. Depending on what I want to tell you (my goal) I create a different post.
When you look at my words you understand my "goal" of writting it.

When you look at the world you want to understand the goal of God.
What was the goal of God of creating poverty ?
What was the goal of God of letting people commit sins ?
What do you think ?

Have you ever get a chance to watch The ten commandments ? I haven't watch the movies either but I have read a 3-4 of the screens.

The first one is Thou Shalt Not Adore False Gods or in our own words "Tohid."
It is the story of a dad who doesn't believe in God. Who thought that everything is science: combination of particles and the law of evolution.

His son went ice skating on a lake ... They measured the thickness of ice and made sure that it is safe ... but the ice cracked and took his son ...
Nobody except the hourly workers of a factory know that on the same day the damn factory threw its sewer in the lake. The waste made the water warm and melt the ice.
He lost his son ...

The movie wanted to show that no matter how carefull you are you have limited control over your life. You can't anticipate everything. The parameters in the world are more than what you can think about and consider.

I think this is absolutely true. People are WEAK. I know that I am weak. Comparing to the whole world around us we are like a sinlge particle in a drop of water. I know I should be lucky to finish this post. Each time that I fly I think "do I get back to the ground again ?" Each time that I go to the airport to pick up Behnam I think "does he come ?"

But to me it doesn't mean that there is a God. I think the existance of God is in contradiction with the world ...
I'll write about this contradiction more ...
till then I love you ...

Monday, October 10, 2005

I feel full of Energy !!!
Basically, I feel that I can handle a whole lot of things at the same time !!!
OK basically this is my resolution: try to be good in a number of things instead of struggling to be great in one thing and OK in the rest!

I am going to Pillates class. How is your Yoga ?

Friday, October 07, 2005

I am here in Dallas, Texas.I got here on Sunday afternoon. They give you almost nothing on board to eat and I didn't feel like eating at Dallas airport. So I was starving when I got to hotel room!And you know, it is great to have a good meal after being hungry for a while !I went to fondue place called melting pot. It is a French way of cooking. They have chocolate and cheese fondue are very popular. I'll take mom to a fondue place see if she likes it or not. If she does we can buy a fondue pot for home ;)At the restuarant a couple were sitting next to me. They have come to celebrate the lady's birthday; one of the waitresses brought baloons for her. They prayed before starting their dinner; I've never seen something like this in California.

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