Wednesday, October 26, 2005

There are a few question that I think nobody find an answer to them in the past two thousand years. They didn't find an answer to them considering that the God exist.

1) Why there is poverty in the world ?
Why God made some people prosperous and others barely living.

2)Why can we commit sins ?
Why did God give us the power to choose to go in a direction against his will.

When you think about the creator you can't stop thinking about his/her purpose of creation.
When I write this post I have a goal. I want to communicate with you. I create this post to communicate with you. Depending on what I want to tell you (my goal) I create a different post.
When you look at my words you understand my "goal" of writting it.

When you look at the world you want to understand the goal of God.
What was the goal of God of creating poverty ?
What was the goal of God of letting people commit sins ?
What do you think ?

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