Sunday, January 29, 2006

salam Jan Jani

One of the American traditins for the new year is to have a new year resolution, meaning that you decide to do something in the new year. (off course most people don't fullfill their new year resolution but I like the tradition it gives you a chance to review a year and see what you want to change in the next year)
I try to make small resolutions so that I stick to it.
This year my resolution is to read New York Times every Sunday.
New York times Sunday is the special issue of NY times. It wraps up the week. It has much more pages than the ordinary weekly news paper and it has a large business/economics section.

Today I have read something interesting there.
Every year in the month of January the president has a speech where he talks about the turning points of the last year and plans for the new year.
This speech is called "the state of union." This Tuesday Bush is going to mainly talk about Health Care and Health care cost you can see the article here.
What was interesting for me was that "reducing the cost of health care" is an economic problem.
During Clinton administration the economist suggest a solution for this problem. Now the analysits in Bush administration found a totally different solution for this problem.
Each solution raised some concerns and critics thinks that each of them may have contradictory results meaning that they may increase the cost of health care instead of decreasing it.
I think reducing the cost of health care is a very interesting problem if you want to get a project some time.
what do you think ?

Friday, January 27, 2006

I just finished the 3rd week at my new group.
and I really enjoyed it.

My new advisor is Indian. Click here to see my new group web page. Though it is not up to date ;)

I am directly working with Dr. Arnold and my office is at calit2 bld.

Go ahead and have a look at Calit2 web site. It is very interesting.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Damn it! I can't let it go!
Despite all the lectures about about the universe and my strong belife that the essence of life is "passing" and "moving" (hopefully forward)
I can't let it go!

My mom is going back this Sat. (in 5 days) and I can't let her go.
I just want to hold her and don't let her go.

Not that I want to spend the whole day with, no! no!
but I want to be able to see her once a week!
Oh so badly I want her!
Thinking that I can't ask for a hug again for a few years kills me!
We should definitely fill our immigration forms next weekend!

love you mom!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

It just occured to me that from this point on it is getting harder and harder for me to go back to Iran. I've riched a point in my career that if I go back I need to restart and as I am getting older I feel it is getting harder for me to restart.

It just occured to me that I may be stuck here in San Diego for the rest of my life. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Oh God how badly I wanno be around you guys!

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