Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sweet memories ...
I am listening to a piece of music that Lakshme recorded ...
He was one of the guys I have met in Berkeley. He had a taste for music but no sense of direction what so ever. The peice is a fusion. Combination of the guitar and Indian (I mean Indian Indian not American Indian) music. (Oh I forgot to mention that he was Indian) .

The music is reminding me of the last night I was in Berkeley. We went to San Francisco with a bunch of people from BWRC (Berkeley Wireless Research Center). And obviousely we went toa Persian Restuarant ;)
That night I went back to Berkeley with Lakshme and Mubaraq (funny name, isn't it?)
and we sang songs in the car.
I sang "vaghti miai seday-e paat az hameh jaaddeh ha miyad" and Lakshme sang an Indian song.
I enjoyed the song he sang though I couldn't understand a single word of it. I think they enjoyed my song too. The world is too small, isn't it ?

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