Monday, December 04, 2006

Oh man, I have to much to do and sddenly I feel that I do not do any of them!
I just want to go to the book store and start reading Hamlet! ( I bought Hamlet to read it in Frankfurt Airport)
I don't think I have any special problem; but my life is boring! very boring!
I don't want to live it like this. I can't even go swimming as I am on my period (today is the 11 day of my period and it is starting to really get on my nerve!)

Entertainment business make a lot of leverging from people bordom! May be I should try to find another way to deal with this bordon and sell it to other :))
I just searched for bored and 53,200,000 hits apeared on the google!

I was looking at the first google hit: fun stuff to do when you're bored
and enter my personal info to calculate when I am going to die. I eneter the personal info in a rather pesymistic way still it says that am going to dies at 90!
can you imagine?!!!
It means that I'll have more (much more;)) than twice of my current age to live! I think it makes me happy as long as I am not on a wheelchair ;)

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